Gate? What gate?
Ever feel like there’s a barrier in front of you every time you try to move ahead in business and particularly in your money situation?
“Why the heck can’t I break through my usual monthly income?”
“How does Bethenny keep making more money with no apparent effort?”
“Maybe if I just meditated every single day on manifesting the perfect love and endless money it would happen.”
“Maybe I just don’t deserve more money or a job I love.”
“Well… we all know what happened to that girl who got everything she ever wanted!”
Yeah, she lived happily every after and I’m the first to admit that I want to be like Barbie. That bitch has everything and in unapologetic pink! (Kidding. Ahhh, not kidding :)
Seriously though, why can’t you earn more money? What’s stopping you?
How you do MONEY is how you do EVERYTHING!
The shortest path to breaking through your glass ceilings of money, love, health, career, everything … is to look at how you do money.
“There is no real security except for whatever you build inside yourself.’
- Gilda Radner
Once you understand your strengths and challenges surrounding money, and make conscious, deliberate, and consistent actions, not only will your money situation improve, but so will your relationships, your career, your physical health, your mental health, your happiness, your sense of freedom, your creativity, and on and on and on.
This bears repeating…
How you do MONEY is how you do EVERYTHING!
"Gaining clarity was like having a lighthouse on my head. Now I’m never in the dark and can make adjustments before any storm hits.” - Susan, Austin, TX
Self-awareness opens the gate to possibility
Possibility extends hands of opportunities
Opportunities lead to paths of freedom
Freedom gives rise to happiness
“What gate? Do you see a gate? I don’t see a gate. All I see is a glistening gilded path of possibility directing me to a warm light of freedom.”
That’s my Maverick money personality talking. I’m also a Celebrity and a Nurturer. No surprise there.
What are you money personalities saying and doing?
And how are they guiding and affecting your life?