Free Resources
What's Your Money Personality
Do you know your unique "Money DNA"?
Crack the code on your Money Personality.
What do you think you are?
Ruler, Accumulator, Celebrity
Connector, Alchemist, Maverick
Romantic, Nurturer?BTW - There are no bad personalities. They all have their unique strengths and challenges.
Start on your path to a brand new financial future with the freedom, impact, and lifestyle you've always wanted - and deserve!
The 5 Most Biggest Pricing Mistakes Women Make
Knowledge is Power!
Reclaim your worth and watch opportunities magically appear!
With each mistake I’ve included a Small Thinking Challenge to help you step into your power!
Mindset is the Magic and the
Seed from which all Greatness Grows! -
Marketing for Introverts - 7 Techniques
Marketing can be daunting enough but for an introvert it can be paralyzing.Believe me… I know! I’m an introvert.
In this book, I cover 7 techniques you can use to stay visible and still be your authentic self.
Enjoy your Me-Time and Prosper!
What's Holding You Back in Business?
Ever feel like you just can’t break through your proverbial glass ceiling?
You make great strides only to fall back and lose traction time and again?
I get it! It used to drive me crazy! So I did some good ‘ole self-awareness work and discovered that there are primarily 5 Fears that hold us back from stepping into our true brilliance.My biggest fear was the fear of disapproval or abandonment.
Garner insight into what fears may be sabotaging your progress, learn what you can do about it, and start expanding into your full potential!