My Money Personalities
I’m a Celebrity, a Maverick, and a complete and utter cock-eyed optimist. Actually, that last one isn’t one of the “official” money personalities. It’d probably be a combo of Romantic and Celebrity.
My official third one, and not necessarily as third, is Nurturer. No real surprise there as a mom of four and a Mimi of four. In fact, I consider myself a mom of eight by adding in my kids significant others. They’re my kids too. Why not? The more the merrier :)
I must admit I was both excited and worried that Celebrity had shone so brightly as my top money personality. I’ve taken the quiz five times to date and Celebrity always comes up as my number one or two.
Do I resonate with it?
Ahhh…. YEAH! Who doesn’t want to be a Celebrity!!!
This girl loves to go shopping and if it’s blingy - all the better. I love a party. I love a celebration. I love to dance. I found out I love the stage although most of my early years were spent being painfully shy. I’ve secretly always wanted to act and sing in public (nothing’s impossible - right?).
So all of that part of my money personality made perfect sense.
Then I looked deeper.
I saw:
How the Celebrity had a tendency to go shopping when feeling stressed.
How she may be using glitter and glam to overcompensate for not receiving approval or feeling enough in her earlier years.
How showing wealth makes her feel like she’s protecting herself from negative opinions or the judgment of others.
That was a hard pill to swallow, but swallow it I did, because all of it was absolutely spot on and true.
It’s been 3 years now since I swallowed that pill of truth and it has made all the difference not only in my back account but in my career, my relationships, my happiness, and mostly my love for myself.
You see, prior to this, allowing others to see my vulnerabilities would be equal to sticking needles in my eyes.
Allowing myself to be loved for who I am, imperfections and all, has been a completely terrifying concept for me–something I’ve resisted all my life. Perhaps adding in that I’m a Virgo aka Perfectionist compounded it–like a 7 layer carrot cake–very heavy!
But now I joyfully celebrate both parts of me–my strengths and my challenges–with no shame and eyes and heart wide open.
I can physically feel my triggers when they happen and am awake enough now to pause, breathe, and decide the right course of action versus reaction. I now deal with the cause of the stress before it blossoms into a full-fledged mess.
Do I still go shopping?
You know it!!
I love shopping and I still love glam, glitter, and bling. But I don’t shop under duress or stress anymore. I do it consciously. My bank and retirement accounts are sustainably healthy as a result.
Another upside to this discovery? I’ve lost 25 pounds without even blinking. Turns out I did my share of stress eating too!
And another upside… I understand my clients better. By knowing their money personalities, I am better able to guide them based on what their innate strengths and challenges are. I can speak their language rather than expecting them to understand mine.
But the absolute best upside… I love me as a Celebrity and I’m not afraid to say it or show it anymore! It’s who I am :)
Combine that with Nurturer and Maverick and well … stayed tuned :)
Girl, celebrate the real you and step into your brilliance!
We’ve been waiting for you. We want you! We need you!