A Woman’s #1 Self-Sabotage

When I first started out in business I made a classic mistake. One that would cost me dearly for over a decade in both money, time, and energy. And worst of all, I kept doing it!

It’s extremely common when you’re starting out and it can creep back in even when you think you have it licked.

What was it?

Well, it was actually a combination of three common mistakes - each one leading and feeding into the other. Looking back, it was a bad loop I continued to allow to play out and all because I questioned my worth. The more I allowed it to continue the more I questioned my value and worth. It was a vicious cycle yet completely preventable.

I was speaking with a client this week who recently relocated and there it was - that nasty self-sabotage again. She was wondering if she should lower her pricing.

The #1 business self-sabotage for women is Pricing.

She had looked around and it seemed that people charged less than her. Not people doing the same thing as her, but people in general offering services.

We explored why she felt this way.

  • Was it because she was new to the area and wanted to fit in and please others?

  • Was she taking on others money blocks?

  • Was she questioning her worth and value?

Turns out it was a combination of all three.

I encouraged her to stick with her current pricing, get to know the people and area better before making assumptions about what they value.

“Stand proudly in your worth and value. You know how much you bring to your work and the benefit it brings others.”

Truth be told, you don’t want to work with anyone who doesn't see value in what you do. It’s not only a waste of your time, it’s waste of theirs too.

If people really want to work with you they will find a way, they always do.

Once I let go of that vicious cycle of self-sabotage and stepped confidently into my worth everything changed for the better. The right people showed up with the right mindset, focus, and dedication. Even more importantly, we’ve established long-lasting relationships.

So... what were the 3 common mistakes I was making?

#2, #3, and #5.

Check them out.

They’re in my ebook - The 5 Biggest Pricing Mistakes Women Make.



"Elevate Your Worth by Believing in Your Wisdom and
Watch your Wealth Rise

- Janet Hutchens


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