What the heck is “Too Expensive” anyway?

Pricing Mistake #2


[TEXT] “FYI - your new course email has a typo in it. There’s an extra zero in the price.”

[CONVERSATION] “Oh yes. I’ve heard about you. I hear you’re very expensive.”

[EMAIL] “Your quote was too expensive. We believe in helping people out so we don’t charge very much. People usually volunteer their work to us. ”

Full Disclosure: When I received these message, I have made ALL the classic, and not so classic, mistakes.

ME: [TEXT] “No, it isn't a typo, but maybe I should rethink my price.” - MISTAKE #3 - Pricing by Committee

ME: [CONVERSATION] “I’m not sure where you would have heard that. I’m happy to work with someone on price and I’ll work until you’re completely satisfied.” - Mistake #4 - Undercharging & Overdelivering

ME: [EMAIL] “Of course I can help. I can whip something up really quickly.” - Mistake #5 - Working for Free

Holy Cannoli! In all three of those cases, I let old patterns of self-sabotage kick in and did a complete about face on my sense of worth and value. With every step up my golden staircase of self worth, I took 2, no - 3 or 4 steps back. Ughhh!

Guess what the end result was for all three of these? HINT: Same result for all 3.

Cheeseball money for too much work and too much time… and also feeling resentful and depressed in letting myself down.

Pricing Mistake #2: Taking it personally when someone says you’re too expensive.

If you’re hearing that you are too expensive first of all give yourself a BIG HUG & HIGH FIVE because…

You have clearly and boldly… gone where you’ve never gone before!

Ok, new territory is always a little scary… but also EXCITING!

“I've been absolutely terrified every moment of my life and
I've never let it keep me from doing a single thing that I wanted to do.”

Georgia O’Keefe

And Girlfriend, you have also clearly and boldly…

  • Taken a fearless step up your golden ladder of worth!

  • Decided you won’t compromise your talents!

  • Chosen to value your time with a renewed respect!

“But what if…

  • I gave them a deal… just this time?”

  • they’re just testing me? Shouldn’t I compromise?”

  • they really don’t have any money? Shouldn’t I still help out?”

Before you slide backwards making concessions and deals, please ask yourself…

What exactly is “too expensive”?

Here’s the deal:

Too expensive is completely subjective. What’s a good value to you could be too high for someone else and vice versa. And that makes the world go ‘round, Girl!

  • Everyone has different ideas of value

  • Stick to YOUR sense of value, not someone else’s

  • Don’t take on their conscious and subconscious money blocks

I once dated a guy who would have crab legs flown in overnight from Alaska for dinner but would exhaustedly spend, and I mean endless hours over endless weeks, seeking out every deal know-to-mankind so he (we) could ski on the cheap. I would have happily given up the crab legs and use that money for regular lift tickets, just to be able to spend more time with him. Quality time was valuable to me. Food & deals to him.

The Project Constraint Triangle - Cost - Time - Quality

Every project has 3 over-arching variables: Cost - Time - Quality. One usually needs to be flexible for the successful completion of the project.

Heads Up - this is important!

That flexibility in cost, time, or quality comes from the client - NOT YOU!

The client needs to be flexible - NOT YOU!

  • If they need it faster - the price goes up

  • If they need it cheaper - send them somewhere else

  • If they don’t care about your quality - send them somewhere else

  • If they need additions to the quality ie bigger scope - the time increases and in turn the cost

Girl, If you really want that new car, you gotta get that old one out of the garage!

Only when you open up space in your life will there be room for new opportunities. Don’t weigh yourself down with clients that don’t value you and don’t want to pay your worth. Open up space for new opportunities and new valuable clients.

“Raise your worth by believing in your wisdom and watch your wealth rise!”

- Janet Hutchens

"Imagine setting out in a new frontier with no map! Even Lewis and Clark knew that was not wise which is why they enlisted Sacajawea as their guide.

After three brainstorm sessions, Janet presented a comprehensive marketing strategy and implementation plan to guide me in this new territory. As we reviewed the plan I felt myself shift from overwhelmed and confused to confident and courageous.”

Janet is my Sacajawea in this new frontier.
She brilliantly helps me build to my brilliance!"

- Susan Cowan Morse

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