Pivoting Pet Peeves


This past weekend I was having a conversation with a friend about pet peeves

“You know what drives me crazy?” I expressed

“Men who wear socks with sandals?” she asked

“Yes, yes of course, that’s huge and so completely wrong. But what really bothers me is people who don’t get back to me. And I’m not talking immediately, but in days. People who don’t respond to emails, texts or calls. I know I too fall short but there’s something about it that really, really bothers me.”

So I decided to do some unpacking of my biggest pet peeve. I looked at the feelings that come up around it and it led me directly back to my childhood.

As the youngest of six, I often felt invisible. For years, I joked about how there were no baby pictures of me unless it was a group shot but the truth is that I often felt unheard, unvalued, and unloved. It was no one’s intention and there was plenty of love in my family. It just can happen in big, active families. So much to do and so little time.

Clearing out the cobwebs of those feelings has allowed me to shed light on new perspectives, how I may have allowed those pet peeves to jade my view of the actual situation and hold myself back in business by deflecting responsibility. It’s also allowed me to explore new ways to communicate effectively so I do feel heard and valued.

In this Question(s) of The Week, you’ll be taking an honest look at your pet peeves in order to declutter and detach some of those old cobwebs.

  • What is your top pet peeve?

  • Does it show up in your business life as well as your personal life?

  • How does it hold you back and/or jade your perspective and actions?

  • What will you do to unpack and declutter your feelings around your pet peeves?

Full disclosure: I held back on writing this eblast/blog for fear of it being too personal and not seeming relevant to business. However, as I thought more about it, I reminded myself how completely intertwined our personal and business lives. There is no separation.

Decluttering of things, emotions, feelings, judgements, and more always sheds light and opens space for new and better, for progress.

Pivot your pet peeves… from feeling peaved to positive and productive!

Happy cobweb clearing!



If you’d like to join the BBA conversation just email me - janet@hutchensmedia.com

We meet on Zoom - Thursdays at 6-7:30pm EST.

Tuesdays at 9am and Noon are also options - let me know if that’s better for you.

“Anything I cannot transform into something marvelous,
 I let go.”

- Anais Nin


What do you want? Really want?


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