Are you worthy of higher prices?

SPOILER ALERT: Your bank balance is often in direct line with your sense of worth. If it’s low so is your sense of worth.

But to answer the question in the title … YES, YOU ARE! You are completely worthy!

So how do you raise your worth (and your prices)?

Look to your wisdom.

Are you really asking for your true worth based on your true wisdom OR does this happen?

  • Gripped with guilt when thinking about increasing your prices?

  • Stressed about losing clients if you raise your fees?

  • Worried about those who may not be able to afford your services?

  • Back down when getting push back on your prices?

Those who strictly offer services fall victim far more easily to the worth trap than those who offer products simply because products have overhead that need to be incorporated into the price, however even product price structure has an evolution too.

Here’s the deal. Nothing is cast in stone and you’re not alone. Everyone starts out in business not feeling entirely worthy of their true worth and their prices usually reflect it.

Doing a price comparison of similar businesses is good to do but what’s far more important is to do an evaluation of your wisdom.

What’s your level of wisdom?

  • How many years of education do you have?

  • How many years of experience do you have?

  • How many people have you helped?

Now let’s look at your other wisdoms!

The wisdoms that people all your life, even when you were little, have relied on you for. Your innate wisdom, your natural wisdom, your god given gifts and talents.


Patience, Courage, Reliability, Humor, Calmness, Flexibility, Structure, Fearlessness, and of course more!

All of those innate gifts and natural talents combined with your life experience and education make up your true wisdom.

Take a deep inventory. I guarantee the breadth and culmination of your wisdoms are quite impressive. Now give yourself a huge pat on the back, review your pricing, and assure it reflects the complete sum of your wisdom.

Girl, you’re an entrepreneur so you have to set your own bar. What you provide is uniquely and intrinsically YOU! I review my prices at least every six months and make necessary adjustments.

Remember, nothing is cast in stone. As your wisdom, talents, confidence, and sense of worth grow so should everything in your business, especially your pricing.

“You are completely and totally worthy of every dream and wish you have.
Dream on!
By so, you are creating light that shines a path for others.”

Need to reaffirm or discover your innate talents? Take my Free Money Personality Quiz. Yes, it’ll reveal your money personalities which also reveal your innate strengths and challenges.
Soooo worthy of 8 minutes for sure!


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